Thursday 3 May 2018

What The Fuck Kanye

I have alway had a soft spot for Kanye. After all I figure all that genius must come at a price so I stepped over and around a lot of his ramblings and just told myself (For the Music.) Fast forward to May 2018 and I'm standing around with my mouth open in disbelief. Did he say that? No really. did he really just say that?

Let's go back. He was snatched up after a concert because they said his crazy went to far and he was thrown into a facility while his wife had just stepped away. I'm just saying interesting timing. Then he's quiet for about a year and  THEN he  jumps out with his Trump love and Hat. I'm annoyed but I am telling myself thet there is more to this story. He is probably giving us the Rope Ah Dope. Then he's gonna come out with what he really wants to say, so i'm waiting. Then we hear rumblings of a Charlemgne interview and from what Charlarmagne is saying I figure, ok we good. All will be revealed and our boy is back.

By the time the interview was released I decided to wait till the home was quiet so I stayed up till almost 2am listening intently as he explained and exposed bit of himself we had never see before. I was releaved. Then in what felt like less than 24 hours later TMZ! He has shaved his head, he is looking and sounding manic and THEN that Shit comes out his mouth. Slavery Was A Choice...... I mean there was more to it. There was more to the interview. But in my heart I knew that was all people were going to hear. I could sort of understand or should I say I was fighting past that sentence to understand what he was trying to say in its entirety but the tweets he released explaining himself seem to be the final nail in his couffin and all I could think is. "Boy you need to either come off your medication or up the dose by a lot more" because this shit right here....... You Are Broken. You Are Lost.

It's a sad day for music lovers and Kanye supporters. I really hope he stops talking, starts reading and researching his history and Visiting memorials. It's time for him to stop speaking. If this was a ploy to sell his music, it would be best if he just gave it away as way of a small apology. He has really hurt his community and just saying sorry and I love you is just not enough anymore.

Thursday 10 January 2013


DJANGO! Well; what a movie. Where do I start! So many questions I would like to ask the cast.

I could say that Quentin was not as gruesome as he usually is or that some of the scenes were not over the top blood splattered but the truth is I am on the fence about these statements because I was still cringing, holding my breath, dropping my jaw and I even found myself looking away in one of the scenes. That said it's an amazing movie and we should all have a look see.

In true Quentin style he gives us the heads up that we are in for a bumpy ride with the opening scene assault of welted back dirty shackled slaves. The kind of dirty that you can almost smell and the sound of dragging chains. I don't know about you guys but that visual still gets me in the gut and I truly have a hard time believing that we were treated that way not too long ago. Anyway; as soon as you have tempered your nerves, like a whip you are assaulted again. This time by the N WORD. It comes ringing  out of a white mans mouth with the comfort and ease of that time and then even worse is repeated by Django in that accepting matter of fact ease.

Kudos to Quentin for digging in there right away but what was running through my mind was how did Jamie and all those other black actors feel sitting in the moment on that film. I doubt any white reporter would throw that out on the red carpet but I will certainly be trolling the internet for a sit down interviews to see if its broached.

As I got further into the movie I saw the speed at which Django absorbed information and the way in which he accepted and sat in his freedom. Almost like he was never a slave. His confidence was so current and I questioned his acceleration as in was it too quick? Was the passing of time to subtle and so I  missed his progression and then I satisfied myself with the fact that back then your very survival probably hinged on being a quick learner.

The movie stirred up so may emotions that it has been difficult to just come out with a straight review. Instead I was filled with questions. Questions about the treatment of the film and the time and wanting to hear from the actors. I loved Christoph swagger and I hated Leonardo so much. He sat so comfortably in that roll that I had to keep saying to myself, It's only a movie, he's a humanitarian, and finally, he's just that good of an actor. Samuel opened the doors a crack as to what a head house slave function was. Adding yet another layer and while this is no full on assault like Roots I would not count it out for content. It manages to give us a quick be it brutal taste of the time.

What can I say. Thank you for the ride Quentin. Thank you for the ride.

Wednesday 9 January 2013


So it's that time again and school has started and my home is as quiet as a grave yard. How often we complain about all the noise and nagging but as I settle in for the day I realize that the little one is off again pursuing his own life enjoying friends and education and mom suddenly has a moment to think about how quickly he has grown and where did the time go.
This Christmas was not one of the best as I was ill but we still managed to make it christmas and have some stay at home fun over the holidays. I got him a Wii so my house was alive with the shouting and laughter as the boys competed from am to pm trying to get the best of each other but remembering that the baby must win or there will be crying an pouting and daddy didn't play fair; so maybe not competing too hard but having loads of fun.
Yep, it's the first day of school and my home is quiet for a moment but never fear it will be 3pm soon enough and then there will be something else completely to shout about.

Friday 2 November 2012

I Love The Way He Loves Me

The question that always made me go a bit funny was and still is. What do you love the most about your husband? I knew the answer. The same answer always popped into my head but I always responded with my second and third. His smile and his good heart. Somehow the first thing that always pooped into my head made me feel selfish. I've never said it out loud till today because I think I now understand. It's the way that he loves me. What I loved about him was the way he loved me. It was pure and I felt it.

Now let me explain myself. I have been told countless times by ex boyfriends that they loved me but now that I've felt real love I can say that theirs just feel words. I am sure that they thought they loved me or maybe they loved me the best they could but i never felt it. I just accepted the words as true.

Flo loves me freely, with no embarrassment and no conditions. He loves me with respect, care, generosity and kindness. All these things but what I loved the most was the fact that I felt it. I felt loved. You see I didn't come from an affectionate family. In fact I don't think I have ever heard my parents say the words I love you to me. Now I am not saying that my parents didn't love me because they do and I know this but at the time, between the discipline and life I did not quite recognize it. It was something that always bothered me so I always tell my children how much I love them and i hug and kiss them and you know what? I think my folks may have picked it up because I see them doing it with my kids.


So I went to see Madagascar 3 in 3D yesterday with the little one. I am not ashamed to say that I was probably more excited than he was because ever since my daughter took me to see Madagascar 2 on the big screen I have been addicted. I had not laughed that hard at a movie in a long time and Thankfully I was in Trinidad where laughter is a norm. I have been living in London for some time now and have somehow trained myself  to contain my joy but thats another story.

I was told that the movie was funny but that doesn't even scratch the surface. That's like referring to the Mona Lisa as JUST a picture. NOBODY bothered to talk about the 3D effects and THAT is what excited me more than anything. Oh My God! It was amazing! I have seen 3D movies before and they were good but THIS! This movie from start to finish was amazing. A feast for the eyes. Everything was jumping off screen. As I looked around I could see the kids grabbing and ducking and fanning things away and I could feel the urge to do the same. The animation was spectacular the colours bold, the circus breathtakingly beautiful and it draws you in, kids and grown-ups alike. I don't want to give anything away for those who have not seen it and for those that saw the regular move I would strongly recommend that you go back. Pay a few more bob and see it in 3D.

Monday 28 November 2011


Why is it that men always think that if they put a ring on it and or you have their baby that they are now free to be the true ass hole they always intended to be. They think that because you are soooo busy raising their baby that all your senses have died along with your instincts or should I say the ones that connect them to you. They somehow think that it is all attached to the baby so it now gives them a free pass to act the fool and put them in line for a proper ass kicking or a near death experience courtesy you.

Don't they realize that we were born to multitask and that eventually they WILL get caught out in their stupidity. How come they didn't learn that in their little man manual alongside the bit where they are pretending to hear you or nodding an act interested.

I am so fed up to the back teeth with this nonsense. How did our mothers do it. How did they just get on with the process of raising a family with a man essentially under foot. I say under foot because he is there, and he may be bring in some money but if he's not helping around the house or helping with the day to day routine of the child then what is his fockin purpose. OH I know they think they helping when after a LONG day running after a baby (alone) and you finally get that child to bed and you think you now have an hour or two to yourself before it all starts all over again, here he comes now looking all sheepish and thinks he all cute, trying to rub on you when all you want is to be able to eat something uninterrupted and have a bath and breathe.

Sex has now turned into a chore, as looked forward to as washing dishes or cleaning the toilet. I know this sounds really bad but its true. I use to really enjoy sex but now who has the energy. Its now under the just because label. I know for a fact that I ain't the only woman feeling this way because I spoke to couple others and its all the same. Maybe if he helped to cut the work in half I might find the energy to look sheepish too but right now it to hell with the sheep.

Mom's always on about choosing your battles but the choices are getting slimmer and slimmer with the little one always there to pick up the tensions so what do you do? You shut your mouth for the child's sake an move along when what you really want to do is curse his ass out or hit him with a flippin POT but I digress.

I was talking about the emerging asshole. The lies they tell to avoid everything I just mentioned. The lies they tell about a friend in need of a shoulder because he's going threw a bad patch or saying they are working late when they are really just staying back to drink with friends and come home late smelling of smoke form the cigarettes that he says he's not smoking to then wake you form a sound tired sleep because guess what? Its toilet time. WDH! I still have to wake up early with the baby while he sleeps in from a hangover but don't worry, me and the baby will be banging every pot and door and playing with the noisiest toys till IT emerges. YES. I have been reduced to being passive aggressive. What I really wanted to do is fill a bucket of water and throw it over him. in. Breathe. It can't be done because then MY bed would be wet and I would have to find a way to dry it while he flounces off for a sulk. Why did I get Married.

Thursday 10 November 2011

My Honest Take on The Kim Kardashian Debacle

I have been resisting this notion about myself for the longest time but I think it's time I come out of the closet and just admit it.

I Am. *Sigh, A KARDASHIAN Fan. There I said it.
I am not the kind of fan that loves everything that they say and do because I don't but they certainly have my attention. I am wrapped up in their lives and I am always curious as to what they are up to and what they are going to say or do next.

I am in love with Khloe an Lamar. Their love is addictive to watch and it somehow gives the rest of us out there hope that we too can find love like that. Which leads me smoothly into the reason I am writing this. The Kim debacle.

Like everyone else out there I to have an opinion on the fall out. See I saw that coming. Not so soon but coming all the same. NO! I do not think it was fake or that it was a money thing but I do think that Kim got carried away, competitive, silly green eyed. Human.

Let me explain. Kim has said how many times that she missed having someone. That she wanted to be married and have babies by 30. She has been watching hers sisters have what she wants for some time now and wondering when will it be her turn. Instead of being grateful for what she has she somehow got it into her head that she is the lead Kardashian so she should be more than capable of getting herself a man, any man and some babies.

When Khloe was getting married she kept saying "It should be me, It should be me" she might have been trying to play it off like it was just a joke but she wasn't. I am not saying she wished her sister ill will but she was jel jel. Said It. She was talking smack about him being way too tall. So how did Kris get a look in? And not her type. I was like, huh? She ain't choose no man for you honey, she chose her man for herself and dont get me started on the Kourtney Mason issue. She has had baby on the brain since Kourt popped that little boy out. She has seen how Kourt has managed to keep her life going without having to go the barefoot an pregnant route so she sees how and that it works and is ready to have a go. Who could blame her really but she has to understand that you can't manufacture what the other girls have. She has to be patient, she has to be selective. You cant just spin around in a circle of men and point and say "Him, he will do" and take off running. Thats crazy. I think thats what she did and on realizing that she had made a mistake, a very expensive mistake decided to cut her loses before it got even more expensive and is picking up alot of flack for it. Honestly, I don't think that dude was right for her anyway.

You see as fabulous as Kim's life is. As successful as she is. As beautiful as she is. She still craves more and while that's not a bad thing. Its coming across like her inner voice is saying. I am the one that brought the fame. I am the lead K so how come they have it all when in truth and fact it is where it need to be right now. She may not want to feel this way but it seeps out of her. See that's what happens when you have your life recorded and you show it for all to see. We SEE!

I ain't mad at you girl. You made a mistake. One day your prince will come and I hope when he does you have the strength to stick by him because marriage and babies ain't easy. I know. It puts you to the test so make sure you have a nice solid foundation before you go galloping into the sunset with some dude. You ain't Elizabeth Taylor. God rest her soul, nor do you want to be so chill. He comin.......